So you want to be a doctor. If you have top grades and top test scores one of your options may be the combined BS/MD degree programs offered by some colleges and medical schools.
These programs offer high school students the opportunity to get admitted not only to an undergraduate college but also admission to medical school. Some of these programs offer a BA and then an MD degree while others offer a BS and an MD degree. Those offering a BA degree generally provide more flexibility to undergraduate students in their class choices compared to the BS programs.
There are also some medical schools that will offer early admission to medical school after the student has completed several years of college. Tufts University is one such example. At Tufts, undergraduate students may apply to Tufts medical school during their sophomore year and if accepted are guaranteed admission to the medical school. They still need to finish their undergraduate degree and take the MCAT (medical college admision test) but they are assured admittance to medical school.
The length of the programs available also differs from college to college. Some of these combination programs are completed in the normal eight years but others may only take six or seven years to complete. You will need to look at each program to see the specifics of that program.
A list of 36 combination programs can be found at the site of the Association of American Medical Colleges. However, not all programs are provided in that list. For example, Brooklyn College has a BA/MD program with Downstate College of Medicine of State University of New York. Also, the University of Missouri Kansas City has a BA/MD program as does Penn State with Jefferson Medical College.
Want more information about BS/MD programs? Check out the Guide to BS/MD Programs.
Rizwan says
Are there are BA/MD or BS/MD programs that would accept international students? (Non-US citizenship holders)