I often have people ask me this question. And much of it you already know; good grades, strong test scores, lots of volunteering, research, doctor shadowing and maturity.
But I wanted to go past these general items and get a little more specific. So, for the next few weeks, and then occasionally after that, I will be giving you some more detail on specific students I have worked with that, for the most part, have been successful in gaining admission to BS/MD programs. There won’t be anything so specific that you could identify the student and I may change some facts to ensure this but the basics will be there as far as their test scores, grades, types of classes, volunteer activities, and other factors that can play into BS/MD admissions. In particular I will try to give you a feel for who the student was beyond the grades and test scores to see what is really important for admissions.
I have been doing this for 12 years so have lots of stories, good and bad, to tell you about. A few of the stories will be about those students who didn’t get in and my thoughts on why they did not.
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