I am contacted by a number of very smart students that at some point in their high school career, usually freshman year, received a C grade. And the question is, does one single grade of C eliminate a student from consideration for a BS/MD program?
Usually, the answer is yes.
The problem of course is that you are competing with so many other talented students that have never had a C. Why should a BS/MD program take a risk on you?
But this also raises one of the issues fundamental to college counseling. There are almost no absolutes. If you have an extraordinary background in volunteering or research, might a BS/MD program overlook that C in freshman history? Maybe.
The key here is that the other part of your background goes beyond what the college typically sees. Are you an Intel Finalist? That will catch their attention. Raised tens of thousands of dollars for health organizations? They may take a second look at you.
At the same time you have to be realistic. The vast majority of students with a C on their transcript are not going to be competitive for a BS/MD program.
Have a question on whether you will be a competitive candidate? Give me a call and we can chat.
If a student has GPA 4.41, rank 2 in class, ACT 33, but made C in AP History will the c create negative impression for BS MD application.
These programs are so competitive that any C will be considered a negative even if in a non science course.
What if a child receives a C+ (79 percent) in Physical Education and retakes the class and receives an A
Would it better?
While we don’t like to see C’s on the transcript, the concern is for academic subjects. Most colleges don’t consider non academic courses like phy-ed in GPA calculation or for purposes of admissions. Even if the class were retaken the college would most likely see the original C grade so I don’t think retaking would be of great help.