The University of Central Florida (UCF) use to have a BS/MD program with the University of South Florida that they discontinued after they started their own medical school a few years ago. Now UCF has started a new BS/MD program with their own medical school.
The program is known as the Burnett Medical Scholars Program and is a part of the honors college at UCF. Students first need to apply to the honors college at UCF and then request a form to be considered for the BS/MD program. There are recommendation letters from faculty required at the end of sophomore year in college and an interview at the medical school is required at the beginning of junior year in college. In that respect it looks like an early assurance program rather than a true BS/MD program.
To be eligible for the program students need a minimum unweighted high school GPA of 3.7 and an SAT score of 1,400 on the critical reading and math sections with no sub section score of less than 650. A minimum 32 on the ACT is also acceptable.
To advance to the medical school students must have a 3.75 GPA and at least a 32 on the MCAT with no subscore below 9. These are fairly high requirements particularly for a new program so students need to consider that seriously when deciding whether to apply.
This program is open to US citizens from any state.
All GPA and SAT requirements aside, what if you bring in your associates degree into UCF? I happened to graduate with my associates degree in 12th grade, and would like to know if I could enter the program out of high school if I am admitted to the honors college and have recommendation letters from on campus dual enrollment classes at MDC and UF, with an interview at the Burnett medical school as if I were a junior. I suppose the question would also apply to transfer students, but I do have the flexibility of taking upper level classes as a freshman and sophomore. I can apply as intended for sophomores but just wanted to know if I could take advantage of what I already have. Thanks!
Most BS/MD programs are for high school students only that do not have any sort of college degree. Once you have a degree you are typically treated as a transfer student rather than a new applicant and would not be eligible for BS/MD programs. You would have to contact UCF directly to see if they would allow you to apply as a freshman but I would guess not.
Do you know if many students at this program succeed in actually reaching medical school?
My understanding is that a number of students do make it to the medical school but I am also aware of some students that have not made it related to poor MCAT scores even with good grades at UCF.
Do you know how many students per year are invited to become medical scholars in this BS/MD program at UCF?
Typically UCF admits between 15 and 20 into the program. Note that technically this is an early assurance program and not a true BS/MD program since you aren’t admitted to the medical school until after sophomore year in college when you have your med interview.
What will be the student’s major/core classes if they get admission to Burnett Medical Scholars Program? What is the course content for this program?
What is the class size?
Does the Burnett Medical program offers the research opportunities for their students?
Can we please set up a college tour into Burnett Medical Scholars program?
What opportunities for the future under grad students for Med School if they pursue Burnett medical scholars Program?
Most of these questions are best addressed to the program at UCF. I would contact them directly to get these answers.