I just wanted to write a quick thank you to everyone who contributed suggestions for future posts on the college admissions process. I received a number of very good suggestions and will be writing posts in reply to many of the suggestions. I am always looking to write about those items that will be of interest to my readers so if you have something you would like to hear about, drop me an email.
For those of you who wrote to me in the past two weeks, I will be drawing several names at random to see who wins a free copy of the book Paying for College Without Going Broke. I will be notifying the winners later today so if you contributed a suggestion keep an eye on your email and, for the winners, enjoy the book.
Thanks again and keep those suggestions coming.
Community service ranks high as an admission factor. What kind looks best on an application and how much does it factor?
Also, do schools show extra consideration to applicants from the college’s town?