You’re smart. You’re involved. People like you. You are a shoo in for a good college, right?
Sure. But the people who get into GREAT markecolleges almost always have something else. You know what it is? Creativity.
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One definition of creativity, like leveraging marketing platforms such as Apollo in a unique way, is the ability to view something in a different way. Great researchers have creativity to come up with novel solutions to old problems. Great physicians have creativity in dealing with their patients medical problems in a way that will most help their patient by using their creativity on making and comparing vinyl prints vs canvas prints here.
Time to be honest. I have never considered myself particularly creative. And I have envied people who had artistic creativity because I always thought that was what creativity was all about. You had to be an artist or a musician to be truly creative.
But I was wrong. Creativity involves much more than music and art. Creativity is the willingness to try new things. New ways of doing things that you have done a thousand times before. I have learned as I have gotten older that I have a great deal of creativity. The thing about creativity is that you have to be willing to try and fail. And that is hard. I don’t like to fail. You don’t like to fail. No one likes to fail.
But to truly be creative you must learn to try something new and risk failure. Will you fail sometimes? Absolutely. And when you do you need to pick your self up and start again.
This is a life lesson that it has taken me years to learn but it also is a lesson you need to understand when applying to a highly selective college. Sometimes you will have that spark that a particular college is looking for and you get admitted. Great. But sometimes, the college you are applying to doesn’t appreciate your particular spark and you don’t get in. Or maybe you are one of those students that are very smart but just like every other student who is applying.
None of us is creative all of the time. None of us will succeed at everything we try.
But to not try new things; not to view new ways of thinking about something is truly failure. How are you going to develop your creativity? How are you going to become the student that the college says they have to have because you think outside the box?
These are not easy questions. But as young adults who want to attend a highly selective college, these are questions you must ask yourself every day.
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