I had another two emails yesterday from students who say they don’t know what they want to do with their life so don’t know what to do to find the right college. My general advice, don’t worry about the future, figure out what your interests are now and find a college that will help you learn about that interest. In addition you want a college that will give you a good general education.
Yes, I know, many people disagree with me. They feel that you need to figure out what you are going to do with the rest of your life when you are 16 or 17 years old and then learn that skill in college. Hey, it might work for you. But I can tell you of the 265 students in my high school graduating class less than a dozen are actually doing what they planned to do when they were 17. My experience is not usual. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, people about my age have on average had 10.8 jobs. I really doubt things have changed much for recent graduates.
This is not to say that if you have a particular interest that you shouldn’t follow that interest. Always wanted to be a civil engineer? Get a degree in civil engineering. Always wanted to be a professional pianist? Go for it. But if you aren’t in the group that has always known what they want to do with your life, don’t worry. You have plenty of company.
Not only do people change jobs with great frequency, many of the jobs that will exist in the future don’t even exist at this time. So how are you going to train for them? Computer network engineer. Who prepared for that job 40 years ago?
So, let’s answer the question of how to find the right college if you don’t know what to do with your life. Very simple. Head on over to my web page on “What You Need to Know to Find the Right College“. That will get you started on finding the best college for you even if you don’t know what you want to be doing when you are 60 years old.
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