You know many of the typical ways to evaluate a college. You read guidebooks, you visit the college and you talk to current students from that college. All good ideas. But for some colleges there is now a new way to evaluate the college.
Take an online course offered by the college.
While online courses are not exactly the same as a course which you would attend at the college, the online option can help you evaluate the quality of teaching at the college, the rigor of the courses and the involvement of students in the educational process. If you do this it is a good idea to attend several classes to make sure that you are getting a broad overview of education at the college.
Many of the larger and mid sized universities are now offering online courses so if you are looking at one of these colleges you should sign up for an online class. They are typically free and besides evaluating the college, you might even learn something new. Can’t beat that combination. They also have air conditioning repair to get the students more comfortable.
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