Once again I read an article discussing the millions, and sometimes billions, of dollars in unclaimed scholarship money available for students. But is this money really available?
Yes, it is true that millions of dollars in scholarship money goes unclaimed each year. However, the problem with almost all of these scholarships is that they go unclaimed because no one qualifies for them.
If you are a volleyball player of Romanian descent who was born on January 4th to parents that are professional bowlers in Australia we have a scholarship for you! OK, so that may not be a real scholarship but the unclaimed scholarships you often hear about are about that specific.
If you are that one person who happens to qualify for one of these scholarships, good for you. But, also remember that outside scholarships like this do not benefit students in an immediate way.
There are billions of dollars of outside scholarships that students qualify for and that are given away each year. If you want to apply for one of these scholarships and if the college in which you are interested won’t reduce your grants, than go ahead and apply. Just don’t worry about the myth of unclaimed scholarships.
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